Deborah Martin & Erik Wollo – Between worlds


Released: 2009 By Spotted Peccary Music

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SKU: 26759 Category: Tag:


  1. Between WorldsMP3 soundclip of Between worlds [1:00]
  2. Spirit Song
  3. Anasazi
  4. The Thunder and the Water
  5. Ancestral WhispersMP3 soundclip of Ancestral whispers [1:00]
  6. Canyonland
  7. A Healing Way
  8. Gathering at Sunrise
  9. Distant Voices
  10. From Earth to the Sky
  11. Sunrise at WhiteriverMP3 soundclip of Sunrise at Whiteriver [1:00]
  12. Winds of Time

Authentic American Indian instruments, and sonic soundspaces

Additional information

Weight 105 g



Jewel Case

2 reviews for Deborah Martin & Erik Wollo – Between worlds

  1. Virginia Tamayo

    In an interesting collaboration, Deborah Martin and Erik Wollo combine their respective artistic approaches to create daring, fresh work.

    Clearly inspired on the culture of Native Americans, the music drinks from the sources of approaches typical of Ambient and melodic contemporary music. Each one of the twelve themes in the CD has a different nature. Some are mainly World Music, others flow through melodic Ambient, and there also are some in the in-between realm between both.In the slowest parts of this work, there is an abundance of architectures based on synthesizers that evoke the immensity of the great open spaces.
    Also remarkable is the skill that the artists have proved to possess by fusing traditional elements with cosmic structures, such as for instance in Sunrise at Whiteriver”

  2. Roberto Vales / Ultima Fronteira

    Nos presenta la colaboracin entre Deborah Martin y Erik Wollo.
    Deborah Martin es una compositora con una gran pasin por explorar los sonidos profundos, los sonidos de la naturaleza, los cantos espirituales de los nativos americanos, Erik Wollo es un excepcional guitarrista y compositor noruego, con orgenes en la msica clsica y en el jazz, pero con vocacin de experimentacin e innovacin.

    La unin de estos dos compositores, ha dado lugar a este trabajo titulado Between Worlds”

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